Friday, September 17, 2010

Best Thing Since Sliced Bread: Music for the Win

It's been a while since I've thrown the old musicftw post title around and I figured now is as good a time as any.

Going into this final year of my bachelor's degree I decided I wanted to learn a new language. I had already considered the idea a few times before, but never really bothered with it. I figured Spanish would be the simple choice.

Luckily for me Spanish didn't fit in my schedule so I got to choose an actual kick ass language - German.

Germany is one of the first countries I plan on bringing my mobile escapades to, one day in the future - most likely when I'm done with school. It's always been a country that's intrigued me and possesses a culture and history both rich and vibrant but also dark and mysterious.

Now I'll get to the part of this wall of text that has to do with music. Germany has brought some awesome music down upon my ears over the years, including: Blind Guardian, Kreator, Rammstein, KMFDM, Megaherz and my homeboys, Wolfgang Amadeus, Ludwig Von and Johann Sebastian (Mozart, Beethoven and Bach, for you classical music noobs).

However it was about a year ago that I came across a band who classify themselves as Hot Deathpop. And if that wasn't enough they had to have the simplest and most awesome band name ever conceived: We Butter the Bread with Butter.

Originally a two-man band their first album, Das Monster aus dem Schrank, was released in 2008. Since then, they've added three new members and recently released their second album earlier this year, entitled Der Tag an dem die Welt Unterging.

They manage to string together the best parts of Death Metal (or Deathcore, if you want to fight it out) and Synth-Pop, creating a pretty unique experience. Add foreign language and you have something that makes them stand out.

And if you're a fan of Brie (yes, the cheese) you will adore this band.

One of the benefits of learning German is obviously getting a better understanding of the lyricism behind a lot of my favorite purely German bands.

But mainly it's because it provides me with a language in which I can express how angry I am, all the time.

You can check out WBTBWB on their myspace at

And as a parting gift, a little bit of Brie:


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