Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Time: Accelerating to Ludicrous Speed

So it's officially been the new year for all of four days now and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that it's actually fucking 2011 already.

I don't know about you, but time is a cruel mistress, the cruelest mistress. And I'm not sure why, but apparently mistresses are quite cruel. Jokes aside, the last year flew by at a pretty alarming rate, and much to my chagrin because I didn't get to enjoy most of it.

When you look at how we perceive time, as we get older it just tends to go by faster and faster, with no indication of coming to a plateau at any point.

It's in that sense that it's kind of a raw deal that the the slowest years of our lives are basically deadlocked, from when we're born to about the age of 18-21 years old. What I mean is that first stretch sees us locked away in school, learning life's first lessons and so forth; once we finally get passed all the frivolities of being dumb kids, time turns up the accelerator. That's when life is supposed to get good, and busy - but you're left with the feeling that you're missing out on the time to really enjoy all of it.

It's said that our perception of time between the ages of 21-22 years old and the age of 60 is about the equivalent of the first 18 years of our life. Pretty easy to do the math and see that those latter 40 years go by two times faster than the first leg of our lives.

2011 is supposed to be a milestone year for me, more or less. This Spring/Summer I'll finally have graduated from University, I should be starting my career full-time and who knows what the heck else. Whether all that actually happens remains to be seen, but I can tell you one thing: it's going to happen really fucking fast.

I have the feeling this this year will be the fastest, longest year of my life, and that kind of sucks. My winter semester last year went by blazingly quick and this fall went by equally so. Worse than those two was the fact that my summer months, spent working full-time during the week seemed to go by faster than both combined. So when I say 2010 went by quickly, I start to wonder how fast this year will actually go by.

I'm not really one for New Years Resolutions, I've had the same 'resolution' for the past 5 years: don't die. Pretty simple. But I suppose if there's anything I should resolve to do, it's to try and enjoy this year more, if at all possible.

Last year was a pretty solid year. I got a lot done, accomplished things and grew as an individual, more so than in recent memory. 2011 is definitely on an upward trend, something I'm not used to, so I'll be trying to keep that trend on the up-and-up, rather than letting life's insignificant bullshit drag me down.

Here's to a better year than last year. Same goes for the rest of you classy individuals.

- J


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